ggCircuit - Notice history

100% - uptime

Web Admin - Operational

Desktop Client - Operational

Player Web Portal - Operational

House Account Auto Login - Operational

InCommon SSO - Operational

100% - uptime

Add New Hardware Wizard - Operational

Seamless Boot Image Download - Operational

100% - uptime

Third Party: Stripe → Stripe Checkout.js - Operational

Square (2.x Clients Only) - Operational

Notice history

Sep 2022

ggLeap Web Admin - Cloud Hosting Provider Outage
  • Resolved

    We just resolved the issue!

    Amazon has confirmed the issue is now resolved and multiple centers are reporting the issue to be fixed.

  • Identified

    We are continuing to work on a fix for this incident.

    Amazon has acknowledged the issue and are working on implementing a fix.

    Please refer to the below URL for an up to the minute status for Amazon AWS:

    This is the latest update from Amazon: " 9:50 AM PDT We continue to work on the issue causing increased API error rates and latencies for the Systems Manager Parameter Store in the US-EAST-1 Region. Customers using the Parameter Store for the storage of configurations may be affected by the event as they are unable to retrieve the data. Customers invoking Lambda functions that use Environment Variables will also experience increased error rates and latencies. The subsystem responsible for the Parameter Store is experiencing resource contention, which is leading to the increased error rates and latencies. We continue to work toward the resolving the issue, but do not have an ETA on recovery at this stage. We will keep you updated on our progress."


    ggCircuit Support

  • Investigating

    We are currently investigating this incident.

    We have received multiple reports of centers having difficulty accessing the web admin. At this time Amazon shows no official outage although there is a steep increase in the number of AWS-related outages from numerous sources.

    As an interim solution until Amazon implements a fix or workaround, refreshing the page or doing a force reload on the page in your web browser may cause the page to load if you are experiencing issues.

    At this time we recommend reaching out to support if you continue to have issues connecting.

    Stay tuned for further updates.

    ggCircuit Support

Aug 2022

No notices reported this month

Jul 2022 to Sep 2022
